by jcastles | Feb 20, 2015 | Family
We decided to paint my office!!! Well….I actually wanted to paint it and begged the hubs. He said yes…even to the color I wanted. WHAT!!! Yes, and it’s awesome!
Took it from a hunter green to an awesome minty color! Having a lighter color in the room totally makes it easier to work in there.

Here it is! So nice!!

Then my stepson decided to move back to Texas. So we made his room into a guest/office for the hubs.

Then we made the upstairs game room into a large Lego Playroom!! We spent WAY too much money and time at Ikea!!! But the turn out was great! I’ll have another post and better pics soon on the Lego Playroom.

And that’s it for January. Not a real eventful month….we were definitely happy about that!
by jcastles | Feb 20, 2015 | Family
OMG it’s almost Christmas!!!
So we did the Black Friday shopping this year. It was fun and we over bought. But we both worked extra this year to give big! We gave about $100 worth of gifts to Toys for Tots too.
So this was our tree 3 days after Thanksgiving. Lol!!

Our lil elves!! I love the jammies! They’re from Target!
Our tree Christmas eve!! This is before Santa came!!!

And this kid nearly exploded!!! He’s wanted this for years and we finally decided to bite the bullet and do it.

The kids had a breakfast picnic upstairs.

We had a pretty good Christmas and hope you did too!!
by jcastles | Feb 20, 2015 | Family
Not much went on these 2 months.
My son Kennyth that has Crohn’s started a new therapy since the medicine they had him on wasn’t working. He wasn’t a fan of the new meds but we’re glad he chose to go with it. He’s getting IV therapy every 2 weeks for a few months then it will be every few months.

Then it was Halloween, getting my Etsy shop together for a big season, and of course Thanksgiving. Here are some pics.
I don’t remember what Derryk’s costume was called but Kennyth was a ninja (big surprise, lol) and Jayson was his first superhero, Ironman. I was a little sad about that too. Does it mean no more cute costumes?!

Here are some of the new ornaments I made this season.

And then here’s Thanksgiving!!! I made my crockpot turkey breast. Other than the 6 hours the turkey took it only took me 1 hour to make Thanksgiving lunch! Pretty awesome!! 
by jcastles | Feb 20, 2015 | Family
Remember my stepson, Derryk? Well he decided to move back home. Except home wasn’t in Texas obviously…it’s now in Washington. So he sold his things and we flew him up here. The boys were so ecstatic that their big brother was moving home!

School started a few days after Derryk got here and I not only had a Fifth Grader and a Kindergartener but my baby turned 6 years old!! He wanted a SpongeBob party. So duh, that’s what I gave him.

I made the cupcakes and bought the cookies from a local cookie maker. She’s fantastic!

I also made this banner with my Silhouette Cameo. I sure do love that machine!

Here’s my lovely 6 year old!

The day after the birthday party we went to the State Fair.
These boys sure did love this ride. They rode it like 10 times!

Some donut chicken sandwich the Hubs and Stepson had. We had a few other fried foods that day but I didn’t get any pics.

We’re done! They had fun!

The BEST scone EVER! Seriously.

The next weekend we took Derryk to see Mt. Rainier.
We started at the Sunrise Visitor Center.

Look at that beautiful water!!

It was a sunny day! It was hard to get the 2 littles to look at the camera.

Big white mountain!!

OMG!! I had no idea that they were that small! There were 3 running around and I was mesmerized!

The Groves of the Patriarchs. We’d been but wanted to take Derryk.

Reflection lake. Seeing that reflection was absolutely beautiful! We’d been there once before but it wasn’t sunny. I’m glad we caught this pic!

Our last adventure in September was Downtown Seattle.
Here’s the Seattle Aquarium’s Octopus. He was very active that day. Super cool!

The Seattle Waterfront.

The famous gum wall. Ewwwwwww!!!!

That’s it! A super busy September!
by jcastles | Feb 20, 2015 | Family
Well let’s see. August. If you’ve followed me from the beginning this will make sense. If not I’ll catch you up supa fast. We moved to Washington from Texas. It’s hot in the summer here and most houses have NO AC! Ok, that’s it. Your caught up.
So with no AC in the house and me hating our neighborhood and school I wanted out of there! I found a house on CL. Contacted the realtor and she said it was rented but I have these two. I liked both but one was my favorite for many reasons. Oh, btw we rent…we have our reasons and one day we’ll maybe buy a house but definitely not in Washington. So back to the house. One ad said it had AC! So of course we wanted to see that one first. It was perfect….for me. Big 2 story, 5 bedroom, located in a culdesac, park literally across the culdesac, and yes this is the one with AC….so we thought but I’ll get back to that soon. The other house was super nice too but not as super….to me. The hubs didn’t like the location of the 1st house. We’d heard bad things about the new city I was looking at but there aren’t many cities with new houses and all the other houses here are old, ugly and suck. He liked how big the 2nd house was. I really did too. It had enough room for us to bring my MIL up here to live with us. You could fit a dresser in the entry way as a side table. But….it was on a busy street. Kitchen was small and mediocre compared to the 1st house. And I wanted nice nice. The first house had granite kitchen counters and so much more that was nice. So in the end we went with the house I wanted. I really had to put my foot down. And I’m so glad I did. As we talked to the realtor I’d mentioned the ad said it had AC. So since it didn’t she added it for us and raised our rent a small amount. I can do that!! So we had AC, a park, a culdesac, a nice yard, a nice house like i’m use to back home in Texas…I was happy.
We had a month to get situated before school started. So the boys made friends and that was great. They played outside every day and that was awesome too! We’ve met a few of our neighbors but we rarely see them. We live in a one street neighborhood. Most people work and during the fall/winter/spring seasons it’s rainy here (in Washington…WHAT!?). So most people stay inside. We all wave at each other though. I can’t wait until this summer though. A whole Washington Summer (they’re awesome here btw…well if you have AC it is!!)!!
School soon starts and I have a 5th grader and a Kindergartner!! Where did the time go?!
Here are some pics of the house. This is the house before we moved in. I love the backyard. And I want the prior owners patio table, lol!

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