by jcastles | Apr 18, 2014 | Family, Moving
So it’s been almost a year that I left my home state. I’ve complained about many things…ok, well mostly the lack of good food here in Seattle. So I thought i’d take a moment and talk about the good.
The scenery….OMG the scenery is fantastic. I’ve spent all my life in Texas and all you see is oak trees and dead grass. Here you see super tall evergreen trees, green grass, mountains and snow!!!! Well the snow is a little drive away from home but still….real friggin snow, not ice!!
I’m heading back to Texas in May and there are 3 things we talk about. 1) It’s going to look so dull and flat to us. 2) Where are we going to eat first. 3) Lastly, man is it going to be hot! And we question how much we’ll hate drivers back home because they really suck here. We thought it was bad in Texas….maybe we just miss it a little.
This winter we’ve stayed home more than I would have ever stayed home if we were in Texas. We’re still not totally use to the rain but we’ve got the rain gear we need now so we’re surviving. But overall it doesn’t rain as much as we thought it would. We came here expecting the absolute worst. Just about every week we have a sunny day or 2 and it doesn’t rain all day like we thought it would. Sure it’s cloudy and it rained in the morning and not the afternoon or vice verse. Last week we had a storm come through so we had heavy rain but there were still breaks in the rain throughout the day.
So….so far we’ve been to the Pike Place Market a few times and I love it! Lots of little unique shops to visit, sights to see, and plenty of coffee to drink. We’ve took the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island and that was neat! We’d never been on one before. If you ever have time to go definitely put that on your to do list. The Seattle Aquarium is about as pretty normal as an aquarium gets. We got the membership thinking with the rain coming (cause everyone kept warning us) we thought it’d be a good place to spend weekends when we’re stir crazy. Well……I don’t suggest buying the membership. We’ve been twice and that’s only because we bought the membership. Once you’ve seen it it’s kinda over. I wish we’d have gotten the zoo membership. We’ve been to the Woodland Park Zoo and that was cool!!! There weren’t as many animals as we’re use to in Texas but it’s like hiking in the woods but your in the city. If you go before many dry days (a few weeks of summer under your belt) I’d wear shoes that can accommodate mud. Not all of the path’s are paved like you’d think. We’ve also been to the Pacific Science Center and we can’t wait to go back! I’m hoping to go again this coming weekend. We got the membership and it’s definitely worth it!
Now for the fun near Seattle but not in the dirct city of Seattl. We’ve driven around Mount Rainier and driven through the mountains that lead up to the big white mountain and gosh is that a beautiful drive! I want to go w/out the kids or I suppose when they get older I’d love to go again. They just don’t appreciate it like we do. But seeing the hidden waterfalls, ravine’s, and the neat curvy roads will take your breath away. We love going to Auburn to shop at their SuperMall. When we mention it people look us like we’re insane but when you come from an area that has an abundance of shopping and you find that similar shopping spot in a new area you tend to just go. It feels normal to us. There is even a big super Walmart there….which is rare here! I would have never thought they would be so rare here but they are! We recently went to a snow park. Yup….never heard of those before moving here! You’d think you could just go play in the snow and go home but they have actual parks here. At first I was like really you have to pay?! But when you think of why it makes sense. Number 1 reason is safety! They make sure it’s safe to play there. They set off controlled avalanches and when you hear that it’s like oh….yah, wouldn’t want to be caught in a surprise avalanche if I can help it. Number 2 reason…..heated bathrooms!!!! That’s a big deal when you have to pee man!! I’d never sledded or ski’d in my life….had no idea how that was going to be. OMG OMG OMG that was the most freaking fun I’ve ever had…seriously! I want to go again soon. I might be the only one but I could totally be a professional sledder….is that even real, lol!! Another beautiful place to go is the Tulip Festival that’s held every spring. We went there very soon after arriving here and I hope to go again this year. Although the kids will not give a care in the world about it. One of the best zoo’s I’ve ever been to is in Tacoma. It’s just a short drive but totally worth it. Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium is yes a zoo and an aquarium….the aquarium alone is freaking awesome!!! I had so much fun and can’t wait to go there again!!
I’m sure i’m missing something but there are definitely up sides to living here.

by jcastles | Mar 9, 2014 | Recipes
So with my son’s Crohn’s Diagnosis almost a month ago I’ve had to change a little bit of things around the house. He’s discovered he loves roasted chicken and turkey but getting out at the end of the day to buy one to be warm for dinner is just about impossible during the week. I’d seen several recipes online that were close to what I wanted but not exactly.
I decided to give it a go. I’m so glad I did!! My son said this is the best chicken ever….it’s my new favorite!! He usually eats all meat with bbq sauce but he said this chicken didn’t need it at all! That’s gotta count for something right?!
- whole chicken, frozen or thawed (I used frozen, minus the bag of giblets in the chicken-I tossed them)
- seasoning salt
- chopped onion
- 1 can chicken broth (I used a bullion cube with 1 cup of hot water)
Sprinkle a little of the onion and seasoning salt on the bottom of the crockpot. Place chicken in the crockpot. Cover the chicken with seasoning salt and onion. Add chicken broth around the chicken (don’t pour on the chicken or you’ll lose your seasoning–if you do just re-season). If your using a frozen chicken cook on high for 8-10 hours. If thawed I’d cook on low for at least 6 hours. About half way through the cook time I took some of the broth in the bottom of the crockpot and spooned some over the chicken. The meat will literally fall off the bone! I had to use tongs to dig it out of the crockpot.
We served with buttered noodles, carrots, and a slice of bread.
I hope you enjoy this as much as we did!

by jcastles | Feb 10, 2014 | Family
You know that gut feeling something is wrong but the doctors keep telling you something different yet you just know it’s not right. Well that’s what has happened to us. Our 9 yr old Kennyth has had one heck of a bad month! He started telling us about some stomach pains he was having and just like every normal parent we would ask when was the last time you pooped. He’d tell us last night…or a few days ago. So we’d say well you need to go and voila it seemed to work.
Fast forward a few weeks. At the same time this was going on he was having ear ache after ear ache. So after 2 months of treatment it was time for surgery. A few days before surgery he was in so much pain from his stomach I made a doc appt to make sure he was ok and could go through the ear surgery in a few days. The doc just said yah, he’s constipated and it could be nerves for the upcoming ear surgery. Give him some extra fiber and miralax for few days to get things moving and voila….seemed to work. So we went through all the ear surgery stuff and all of a sudden his stomach was back at it.
Fast forward a few more weeks and that’s where we’re at today. We were talking about how he’s not getting any better at all and we want blood work done to test for diabetes, celiac disease, etc! So the hubbs took him to our local hospital and they pretty much sent them straight to the Seattle Children’s hospital. They start drawing blood, testing his urine, stool, etc. and they rule out a bunch of things so that was good. But they did find out that he’s anemic. Which totally explains his ghostly appearance! They were kind of surprised his doctor didn’t check for that because of how pale and lethargic he was. And they’re thinking he has Crohn’s Disease. More testing over the next few days for that.
So…back to the go with your gut saying. I’ve had this feeling that something was wrong with him for quite some time during this whole thing. But because the docs weren’t worried we chalked his hurting up to him being lazy and not eating right etc. Well at some point you just have to go with your gut. Our insurance only covers emergencies if it’s an emergency. Well our pediatric doctor has local offices all over our area and are open 7 days a week. Therefore making the emergency thing a little hard. So we waited until after hours to go to the ER and i’m so glad we did!!! I wanted them to find something out but didn’t at the same time.
They always say your mommy intuition knows best….I’m glad I eventually listened. I’m just sad I didn’t listen to myself sooner.

by jcastles | Jan 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
Ever want to do something that’s not life threatening to someone but yet you totally want to do it? Well…….I’ve always wanted to drive through a puddle and splash a person walking on a sidewalk. Like get them completely wet ruin their day kind of puddle.
I say I want to do that….I’ve wanted to for a while. Why, not sure. I remember walking to school and it happening to me but not where I was completely drenched. A few weeks ago I had that opportunity. And you’ll be happy to know that I couldn’t do it!!! I had picked my kiddo up from school and on the way home there was a puddle. And kids…on a sidewalk!! They just stood there too….like they wanted me to do it. But I couldn’t. Maybe me being in Seattle where it’s rainy a lot has changed my feeling on that. Either way they went home a little wet (from the actual rain, not me) instead of a lot wet, lol!!
My point behind this post…..I am the reason these were invented!! LOL!!!
Rain Shield

Not my Photo
by jcastles | Dec 22, 2013 | Crafts, Family, Holiday Crafts
There are several tutorials showing how to make your elf posable. Some require sewing skills. Some require snipping but no sewing. Well my instructions are as simple as can be and require no sewing or snipping of your elf. I have 2 options as well, my version and the hubbs version.
Option 1 (my version)
The simple 5 minute instructions.
You’ll need: wire (got mine at walmart in the DIY section-less than $2). Your elf. Wire cutters.
The simple posing elf is just making his arms and legs posable. Cut pieces of wire to the length of his/her arms/legs. Shove the wire into the seams starting at the toes/fingers. It goes in super easy. Make sure the end of the wire isn’t sticking out by either cutting it shorter or working it into the fabric. Voila your done! Seriously that’s it.

Option 2 (the hubbs version)
This option took about 30 min but it’s TOTALLY worth it!!!
You’ll need: the exact same needs as mentioned above.
The process is totally the same as above however instead of inserting the wire in the seams of the toes/arms it’s a bit different. You’ll need wire the length of the elf’s torso to toes. Start at the butt/leg seam and insert the piece going up the torso of the elf. Then shove the rest of the wire down the elf’s leg. Repeat on the other side and now his torso/legs are posable. For the arms you’ll get a piece of wire the length of fingertip to fingertip going across the neck/upper back area of the elf. From under the elf’s collar shove the wire in to the left or right (whichever way you want to start is fine). Then shove the other piece thru the other side of the elf’s arm/neck area. Now your elf’s arms can pose up and down and all around. Same with the legs and torso!
Enjoy your posable Elf!!
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