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It seems all I do around here is make cupcakes!  Well I have 2 special events coming up where I’m making cupcakes….I need practice!  Luckily most of these cupcakes I’m giving away!  It’s a funny thing…I don’t actually like sweet sweets, lol!

Most of my practice that was needed was making the frosting.  I can make a delicious frosting but it’s never as thick as I want it to be and in the end I have powdered sugar ALL over my kitchen!  Well as of today those days are OVER!!  I have found the secret and am here to tell you what that is!



  • 1 cup unsalted butter (2 sticks), softened (not melted!)
  • 3-4 cups confectioners (powdered) sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon table salt (only if you use unsalted butter)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • up to 4 tablespoons milk or heavy cream

What to do

Beat butter for a few minutes in a mixer (paddle attachment works best).  TURN OFF MIXER, so the sugar doesn’t blow everywhere!  Add 3 cups of powdered sugar and then mix on the lowest speed until you have little clumpy sugar butter bits.  Increase mixer speed to medium and add vanilla, salt (if you used unsalted butter), add 2 tbsp of milk or cream and beat for 3-4 min.  If your frosting is too thin add more of the powdered sugar.  If too thick add more milk/cream 1 tbsp at a time.  Mix to the consistancy you want and voila.  You’ve made beautiful sweet tasty home made frosting!!


Tip- To make the consistency you see on this cupcake I used 3 cups of powdered sugar and 1 tbsp of milk plus all the other ingredients.
