by jcastles | Mar 24, 2013 | Family, Uncategorized
So you know how I said a couple of weeks ago that I have a crazy life….once something starts going good it changes. Well that’s happened AGAIN!!!
In less than a month we’ll be packing up and moving half way across the United States!! We are currently located in Keller, Texas. We will be moving to Seattle, Washington. Yup, that’s right…you read that correctly!
My husband got a job with Amazon (yes that cool awesome website you order stuff from)!! Since we rent our home it’s an easy move for us! We’ll most likely drive it while all our stuff is being shipped to a storage unit in Seattle. We want to drive it because well with our family we need a lot of stuff. Even though flying and getting it over with would be nice but it’ll be our chance to make it an adventure. We’ll get to stop look at things on the way that we’d never get to do if we didn’t drive it.
Stay tuned for our moving adventure!!

Our Journey
by jcastles | Mar 21, 2013 | Family, Uncategorized

Do you watch things that go on in your neighborhood? What about if you take the same route to work/school/etc? Well I am one of those people. I notice if something is different, odd, or just not right. Even if it’s not something huge and I can’t quite pick out the difference at first but I notice it.
I remember when I was like 14 years old I was at my neighborhoods community pool catching some rays on a hot summer day and I noticed a little boy walk into the pool area….all alone!! He looked like he had some kind of mental disability and was probably about the age of 3. He walked around for a minute or so and finally jumped in the 3 ft water. Instantly he started screaming and trying to tread water and before I knew it I was in the water dragging him to the 1ft (he was a chunky lil kiddo too–probably 60 lbs!). A few minutes later I was sitting with him making sure he was ok when a lady came running down the street screaming in panic…sure enough her lil boy and got out of the house w/out her knowledge (at the time me being a teenager I was thinking how do you not know your child is out!! but now that I have kids boy do I know how now!!). Luckily he was fine and all was good. But for some reason this lady was just happy that her boy was ok….she never thanked me but I now know sometimes you just can’t thank a person right away because all your worried about is your litte boy. And I’m ok with that.
In our neighborhood I kinda know when people get home from work and if somethings different I always wonder if they’re ok. Like my neighbor, she’s an older lady and when I don’t see her leave to run errands, see her out watering her yard, or picking up acorns (yes every acorn!) I worry….is she ok?!! Then at the end of the street I noticed something different in the yard….a flag with a picture of a dog on it. I know it wasn’t there before this one particular day. Does it mean they got a dog and thought he/she was cute enough to put on a flag in their garden or does it mean they just lost a best friend and wanted to remember him/her every day. I dunno but it sure makes me wonder.
Then the one thing that’s bugged me for a while (reason i’m writing this) is everyday I take my son to school (20 min drive) for almost 2 years now I’ve seen this old couple walking. And it’s a good 4 mile round trip walk they do btw! Anyway, I see them every day! Sometimes I see just him walking or just her walking but mostly they’re together or it’s just him walking. Now she doesn’t look to be in the greatest health so when she’s not walking I wonder if she’s ok. Then if days go on and he’s walking w/out her I really wonder. Sometimes I think maybe she has cancer. She’s frail looking just like my mom was and when she had chemo treatments she couldn’t do much of anything for a few days after so the thought of her having cancer kinda fit.
Well I hadn’t seen either of them for a while so I thought ok maybe they’re taking it easy for the holidays (it was around Christmas). Then after the first of the year we missed a week of school due to the flu so I obviously didn’t see them. As soon as we went back to school mid January I saw the old man walking….solo. Then I started to feel that thing….did she die?!! For weeks I didn’t see her. I really wanted to stop the car and ask….is your wife ok? But the few times we’ve made eye contact I’ve waved and got nothing in return…so I think…am I crazy?! I see these people every day…they’re a part of my life (I know…corny!!) why couldn’t they wave back. So the days went on, the weeks went on, and so did the months. In the mean time I started taking a new route to his school (construction cleared up and I found out it was faster). Then yesterday I take my old route for some reason and there it was! I saw them BOTH walking together!!! The smile it put on my face was just priceless i’m sure.
I know it’s probably weird but that’s who I am. I just notice things. I usually check out the window before bed to see what’s going on in the neighborhood….it’s just who I am.
by jcastles | Mar 18, 2013 | Family, Uncategorized
So just when things get pretty normal and easy going we add something to the mix! This time it was another dog!! But she’s absolutely wonderful! Lot’s of fur….but wonderful!
Meet Brandie!

She came from a Rescue and is so loving and sweet! She is great with everyone in the family and the little dog loves her bunches too!
Here’s the latest pic of our 5lb cutie (Tucker)!
by jcastles | Dec 10, 2012 | Family, Uncategorized
So we had some red eared slider turtles that we recently got rid of. We replaced them with some fresh water fish. Why…because we’re stupid!! Keeping that tank up is the devil. We’ve had them 3 weeks and have already had to return a fish because he was fighting one so bad that we now have to nurse him back to health….a fish!!!

Then cause I thought we needed to make things harder I got a puppy. Not an adult dog…..but a friggin puppy! Luckily his 2.5 lbs of cuteness saves him, lol!!! We’re crate training him and so far we’re doing good but we are having fewer accidents. I do have to re-wrap a Christmas present already….darnit!!

So yah…there’s my rant about us being stupid! But the fish are neat and the pup is freakin adorable and we all love him!!.
by jcastles | Nov 2, 2012 | Crafts, Family, Holiday Crafts, Uncategorized
They say when one door closes another one opens. Well, when becoming a mother again closed on me this amazing opportunity presented itself….and i’m am ecstatic!!
I had posted some photos of my crafts on my personal facebook page and was contacted by a friend asking if I’d like to be involved in a small business promo for the holidays for an organization she’s involved with (Sponsor Adoptions, Inc). At first I wasn’t sure I could do it. Not because of my time or the thought that I might not sell anything. I was actually afraid that I’d not be able to keep up with orders. So I guess that’s a good outlook, right? Well after a few hours worth of thinking it through I decided that I’d get involved in their Holiday Promo. The funny thing is that morning I was talking to my husband about selling cake balls for extra cash this holiday season. So i’m not doing cake balls, lol! Sorry friends!!
I am extremely excited about this opportunity. I’ve been making wreath’s and crafting on and off for years and have tossed the idea of selling my crafts but to get to actually do it is just wonderful!!
The next awesome thing is in December I’ll be taking my first Wilton Course at Michaels!! I know alot already but I hope this class will fill in the holes and make me better!
Here are a few of my favorite new items! For a better glimpse of my products visit my facebook page!
by jcastles | Sep 19, 2012 | Family, Uncategorized

On September 11th my husband and I decided it was time to start our journey of loosing weight. A friend of ours started taking this stuff called Plexus Slim and actually lost weight. It made us want to try it.
At first she started taking it w/out changing anything in her diet as she was told to do. She lost weight!!! Real weightloss from a real person we knew! So we had to try it. Ordered it on a Saturday and we got it in the mail the following Monday and started it the next day…a Tuesday. Who starts a diet on a Tuesday?!?! Aren’t you suppose to start on a Monday…!! In addition to her weightloss her energy was up and she started exercising…something that is always hard for someone to start doing if your overweight. Your tired, your hungry, your in pain, your out of breath, your more than just tired…your exhausted. So seeing her story first hand helped us make the choice to do it.
So today I started Plexus Slim and the Accelerator. I have more energy already. But the powder is so dang sweet it’s sickening. I added more water and just chugged it but I’m wanting to try it and I paid $100 for it so yah, I’m trying it! My husband already crashed off the energy on his first day….we’re not sure if it’s the sugary breakfast he had with it or not so we’ll see how his tomorrow goes.
I don’t like sweets that much…shocking if you know me cause all I do is bake sweets! But I don’t like chocolate and really just don’t like sweets. I’m a HUGE Coca-Cola drinker….I’d even say I’m addicted to it. But lately my body has actually been telling me no more soda. I can’t stand how sweet it is….makes me so sick to drink it. People think I drink it for the caffeine. I don’t. I like the flavor of it (well before recently, lol). I like to eat but the foods I like are more savory than sweet. I like meals rather than snacks but I don’t eat meals non-stop. What I mean is I’d rather eat a steak or chicken rather than chips or snack cakes. I like home cooked food way better than eating out probably because that’s how I was raised. I love love love veggies so I definitely eat those. Anyways…I could go on and on to try and help someone understand that what I eat really isn’t my weight issue.
Since I also have an autistic child I’m mentally tired all the time! Way more than i’d ever thought i’d be. He’s just like an energizer bunny…..he goes and goes and goes. So once he hits bed we like to relax on the couch with as much quiet as we can soak up!!
Well I saved the above as a draft one week ago today. Reason is in the middle of all the craziness of the new weightloss stuff my husband said uh…I think you should take another test. I said really?!!! So I paused my typing to take the “Pee” test! WOWZERS!!!! It had 2 blue lines show up so fast I was shaking like it was my first kiddo!! As I was taking the test the hubbs texted and said well your going to tell me when you take it right (like you care to know that!). I say yes I will. I was trying to pee on a stick, keep the 4 yr old down for a nap (fail), and text all at once. I immediately sent him a pic of the test stick and my exact words were “well there you go. I am.”. LOL!!! So yes….I started a diet and quit in the same friggin day!!!! It’s funny…I know….you may laugh now!!
Do you know how hard it is to keep it from family/friends now that we have facebook! Well I did!! I told my sister and 2 of my friends via text so I could at least tell someone!!! So tonight we finally told the kiddos tonight at dinner. My 8 yr old is ecstatic because the due date is 5 days before his birthday (for now)! And my 4 yr old said “awe….you ate a baby!!!!”. That was by far THE BEST thing i’ve ever heard from his sweet lil mouth!!! And yes then I posted it on facebook! We have one person left to tell and that’s my stepson that will be moving back in the house tomorrow night! Not sure if he’ll like the news being he’s 19 and there’s going to be a baby in the house a month before he turns 20…but whatcha gonna do?!
I can’t wait to share this pregnancy with you all. And now let’s all think PINK….we need a girl in this house!!!
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