by jcastles | Jul 11, 2013 | Family, Moving, Uncategorized
So the homesick set in yesterday. I’m not sure exactly what set it off but I definitely felt it. And I don’t like that feeling.
I suppose when you live in one state for 32 years there are things that trigger your memory and make that “at home” feeling….well so far away. So to help me stay a little close to Texas I made a decal for my car. I’m in LOVE with it!!
I know one day I’ll be able to go visit but I don’t think it’ll be in the next few years.
by jcastles | Jul 3, 2013 | Family, Uncategorized
Well it’s nothing fancy but I wanted to put my chart out there. Because of Jayson’s age and he should be poo’ing daily I’ve made his chart a little bigger than you’d use to start someone out with. I also put a picture of his prizes on the last square. I decided that he still needed to check off that square to get his prize so he needs to poo in the potty a total of 6 times. I know the poo picture is gross but he’s very literal when it comes to things and I needed a good poop pic w/out actually taking a pic of real poop. So that’s what I got.
If you’d like this potty chart shoot me an email @ You will need Photoshop or another kind of software editing program to edit the name and pictures.

The Poo Poo Potty Chart
by jcastles | Jul 1, 2013 | Family, Uncategorized
Well as you know (if you’ve been following me, lol) my littlest kiddo has High Functioning Autism. He attended school in Texas and missed 3 weeks before he started here (it took Washington a bit to figure things out I guess). Once he was in school I immediately saw him decline. The schools here are MUCH different than back home in Texas. They don’t separate out the different types of special needs here like they do at home. So we immediately saw outbursts that were not normal for him. We immediately tried to stop them at home and we’ve overcome most of them at this time. Now that school is out for summer and things are a bit more relaxed and in order around the house he’s starting to be more like himself. Jayson will attend summer school in 1 weeks so I’m kind of looking forward to getting him back into routine. And I’m actually glad. Even though I enjoy doing nothing and hanging around on the couch half the day I enjoy the busy-ness of life and look forward to getting back into a routine as well.
We’ve had some firsts for him since we’ve been here too. 1) He started getting out of his bed on his own in the mornings. He use to wake up and call us into his room like he’s done forever. I think sharing a room with his brother in temp housing helped change that. So the best thing about that is we get to sleep in cause he’ll play or watch tv and let us sleep in a bit! And I absolutely LOVE how he comes into our room and tells us Good Morning…absolute cutest thing! 2) Now that i’ve been able to update his potty chart to a poo poo chart he’s poo’d in the potty a total of 7 times now! He’s already gotten 1 reward (after 6 times) and he’s only 5 away from the next one. I’m telling you…I’d give him the moon if it’d work! 3) Jayson’s never really liked ice-cream. Well about a month or so before we left Texas I was able to get him to eat frozen yogurt from TCBY. Other than that treat he doesn’t really like anything else. No other ice-cream, candy, cake, etc. Well 2 weekends ago I made pudding pops and he finally ate a popsicle! It was vanilla but hey, he ate it!! He’s requested banana so that’s next on the agenda.
I hope for many more firsts…..I’m enjoying everyone of them. I know for many these firsts come way earlier than 4 yrs old but we’re learning to enjoy these firsts as they come..
by jcastles | Jun 25, 2013 | Family, Moving, Uncategorized
So we’ve been here 2 months now. It’s been sunny more than grey and rainy. I know we came close to summer but I was looking forward to cooler weather. It’s mostly been in the mid 70’s since we’ve been here. Which is all fine and dandy if you have a/c!! The humidity inside is really killing us! We finally put our window unit in the upstairs living room and moved the roll around to the kitchen now (the stove really heats the place up!). The kids seem to be fine in their rooms with just the windows open and a fan going but man is it stuffy in there. Our room is really shaded by trees so it’s not so bad. Of course we’d sleep better if it was cooler but that’s a whole ordeal of making a window unit fit in crank windows….not easy!!
So our first weekend that was kinda slow for us our kids got to play outside all of Saturday. They had so much fun. I’m trying to let them play outside more but I will admit the lack of cleanliness is driving me just a tad crazy. But I want my kids to play and get dirty like I did when I was a kid….so I’m trying to embrace it.
Here are some pictures of my kids having some true outside fun. Sprinklers, bicycles, popsicles, and a slug!!

Of course my 2 aren’t looking at me!

Gross slug!

Homemade pudding pops….oh the love I felt! And Jayson’s 1st popsicle!

Riding his tricycle! As soon as his training wheels get replaced we’re going to start riding that!
by jcastles | Jun 4, 2013 | Family, Moving, Uncategorized
We are finally in our new house (remember we rent…so it’s not like a congrats is in order)!!! The hubbs has been super busy putting furniture together for me. I love it all!! And once all the empty boxes are out of the rooms I’ll post a pic.
We did have a few mishaps with assembling the furniture though. Overall it’s all fixable and parts are on the way (free too!). It’s really crazy how hard this move was for us. I mean after all we didn’t have to move anything so why on earth should it be so hard!?!?! Well it’s because of me! We all got new, good, real wood beds (something we haven’t had in years!!). Then I gave my living room tables to Derryk (stepson) that stayed back in Texas (on his own!!) so of course I needed new! I am finally rid of all but 1 furniture item I received from my in-laws…a lamp. But dangit I like that lamp and it’s the only one that hasn’t broke so i’ll hang onto it.
Well that’s it for now! I’m just glad to be at home with OUR stuff!!.
by jcastles | May 24, 2013 | Family, Moving, Uncategorized
Well it’s been a month since we moved our entire lives across the United States. Overall we like it! Especially the weather. We still wish we had AC but whatever!
One week from today (May 31st) we move into our home we hope to call home for a few years. We rented our house in Texas so of course we wanted to start off that way here. We do hope to eventually buy.
The new house has 2 living rooms and 2 dining rooms….something we haven’t had in a few years. I’m definitely looking forward to making the 4th bedroom into my craft/guest room. At first I wanted just a guest room but seriously how many of our family/friends are actually going to come to Washington…probably not many. So I think I’m going to get a futon and go that route. The hubbs is really looking forward to having his own man cave too! So I guess technically I’m getting a woman cave….well maybe woman cave castle, lol!!! Cause you know I decorate all the other rooms too, lol!!!
We’ve also got to buy all new bedroom sets for all of us and decorate it with ideas from Just DIY Decor. We sold everyone’s back in Texas knowing we’d be able to get new here (a little perk :D). We’ve already picked out what we want just gotta get that first paycheck from Amazon to go get it!
I’m uber happy about being able to use my own washer and dryer!! All the rent houses (but this one) have them in it already. I’ve had mine for a year and just paid them off the week we moved here. So yah, i’m a little excited about that!
So a little update on us and not just stuff. The hubbs is liking his job really well. Kennyth is getting harassed by a little girl at school. She sprays glitter perfume on him and he’s been really upset about it. I let it go but he got in the car the other day and WOW was that stuff strong! So I asked him if he wanted me to talk to his teacher. He said yes and she told me she’d handle it, phew! But I told him if by Tuesday of next week she’s still doing it to let me know and I’ll park the car and take that crap from that little girl, lol!! But seriously I will have no problem going to that level and I might not be so nice about it. Jayson is loving all day school. I’ve had a few issues with pottying at the school but I sent an email off and I hope to get that resolved very soon. I am doing pretty good….just ready to have our stuff (oops, I said this is about us not stuff). I thought I’d be able to at least catch a nap at least once since Jayson started school but that has yet to happen. With us getting the house I’ve had to make calls and run errands and i’m just ready to relax. I suppose it’ll happen about the time school lets out (June 19th) and I won’t be able to nap.
Well that’s it for now…so far a month has been good. We’ve celebrated a birthday (Kennyth’s) and a wedding anniversary (duh-ours!) up here…soon another birthday (the hubbs)!!
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