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Over the Top Organization

Yes that title explains me completely.  I over organize everything!  I even took pictures of my kids rain jackets this year so if they became lost I could send a picture to their schools to help retrieve it.  I know that sounds silly but last year my youngest had lost his jacket at his new school in Washington.   No big deal normally…well sorta….but we just moved here and all our stuff wasn’t here yet.  We had no extra’s of anything.  Luckily I’d found a picture of his jacket online and with that they were able to locate it very quickly.  Yes, I know….a little over the top.

In addition to over organizing I thrive on routine.  I’ve always been that way.  I have set days I clean, do laundry, etc.  I’m open to change but with little wiggle room.  If I start something I am most likely to complete it. Even something as simple as cleaning.  I like to clean the house in 1 day.  If I’m going to sweep/vacuum I want to be able to mop the floors the same day.  Cause if I were to mop the next day the floors would have dirt and dog hair on them…you can’t mop floors like that!  I always say I’m just going to clean this little mess in the living room….then I wind up vacuuming the entire house!  I just can’t stop once I start.  I like it all done at the same time.  I definitely got that from my momma!

Because I am this way it brings it’s problems too.  I like things done a certain way.  It’s hard for me to let someone else do a task that I can get done in no time.  I know I have to let my kids grow and learn so I let them do the chore/task and then when they’re at school or in bed I go back and complete/correct it.

It’s also hard for me to understand how someone loses things.  I do not lose many items if at all.  I notice if something is out of place usually right away.  So when one of my kids comes home from school and they don’t have their jacket in their bag I’m like ummmm, I sent it with him, he’s in preschool why can’t you keep track of it?!

When I worked in a preschool class I always made sure my kids that came in left exactly the way they came or better.  Their clothes, jackets, toys, cups, etc were never misplaced and I had up to 22 two year olds.  I know it’s hard but it’s dedication.  These parent’s left their trust in me to care for their child day in and day out.  It was my job to care for them and their things.  I treated every one of them as if they were my own and I do expect that from any teacher that comes in contact with my kids.  I know that it won’t always be like that and I try to make my kids accountable for their own things but sometimes they do need an adult’s help.

So there you go….you’ve just seen a glimpse of what’s in my head.  If you know me you know I have a clean house all the time.  And you should also know that it doesn’t bother me that your house isn’t spotless!

Cleaning the grime off your stove is EASY!

So my stove was looking AWFUL!!  Had to clean it.  I saw this technique on Pinterest and had to give it a try.  I don’t keep amonia on hand so I had to go buy some.  Got all ready to do it and my gallon baggies wouldn’t hold my burners….grrrr.  So I’d given up.  A week or so later I saw 2 gallon baggies at Kroger…got those.  Then another 2 weeks went by and I finally decided to get it done.  And I tell you…it was so easy and they are so clean now!

I also cleaned my stove top….didn’t want to do half the job.  I made a paste out of baking soda and peroxide, smeared it all over and then rubbed and rubbed.  Not gonna lie…..that part was kind of a PITA.  I think it’s only because I put a lot on there.  I suggest putting paste on in small amounts in a small area….unlike me where I added the paste all over and then scrubbed.

This is a picture before I started scrubbing.

Stove grime w/ paste on it  The other side of the stove grime

After I scrubbed.

Clean Stove


I put the burners and all the attachments (since I have a gas stove) in the bags overnight with about a couple of tablespoons of ammonia.  I honestly just tipped the jug into the bag and said that looks good….I also forgot to take a pic of them in the bag.  Here’s a pic of the grime that came off  without any scrubbing!!  Yes it’s gross!!

bag o grime

So now the stove is all clean and the landlord even liked it!

Clean stove.